Life Events

The most important part of synagogue life is having a community to support you during your most exciting and most difficult life moments. Our clergy is here to ensure that you are prepared for these important lifecycle events:

Baby Naming

One of our most joyous religious observances is the giving of a Jewish name to our new babies. A baby naming should be performed as soon after the births as possible. It should be done on a Monday, Thursday or Shabbat, when we take out the Torah. Family and friends are invited to a special ceremony where the baby’s Hebrew name is granted before the Torah . The Rabbi prepares a naming certificate. After the service a Kiddush or breakfast is served to celebrate this joyous event.

Brit Milah

The rite of circumcision is mandated in the Bible (Genesis 17:11) to serve as a perpetual reminder of the Covenant between Abraham and G-d “Please contact Rabbi Jacobson and he will guide you through the intricate details of the ceremony starting with guiding you to obtain a Mohel, going through the details of the honors and their meanings helping you with choosing a name and teaching you the various prayers that are said on the day of the brith.

For further information please contact Rabbi Jacobson at

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Few things impact a child's Jewish awareness and self-confidence more strongly than leading our congregational family in prayer.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah is actually the celebration of a beginning, as the child starts to take responsibility for his or her own Jewish identity. A Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a joyous event for the family as well as for our entire congregation.

Bar Mitzvah

At the Chevra we believe that each child is different, so it’s not a one -size- fits- all Bar Mitzvah program. Working together with the parents, our clergy develops a program that caters to each child, teaching them to conduct prayers, read from the Torah, chant the Haftorah and deliver their own D’var Torah. Parents can participate in the lessons and are encouraged to speak to their child about the important Jewish meaning of this lifecycle moment.

Bar Mitzvahs can be arranged for Shabbat day, Shabbat Mincha/ Maariv or Monday and Thursday morning. To prepare your child, please contact Rabbi Jacobson at

Bat Mitzvah

There are various ways and formats to celebrate a Bat Mitzvah at the Chevra, including Friday night, Shabbat day, Shabbat night or Sunday night. The girl enter into a program of study she is taught how to read and chant from her Parsha and D’var Torah and a collage presentation of Hebrew songs, chanting the versus, mitzvoth and a personal message that the Bat Mitzvah student has learned and applied into her own life is presented before family and friends depending on the day chosen the fulfillment of a mitzvah is incorporated into the ceremony.

Please contact Rabbi Jacobson at and he would guide you through the process.


The Chevra is one of the most sought-after venues for weddings in the city of Montreal with its spacious and elegant ballrooms and magnificent sanctuary it is the choice of many to celebrate their special day at the Chevra.

Rabbi Jacobson meets with the couples on several occasions and guides them through the process of the marriage. These study sessions help the couples to understand the Laws, Customs and rich traditions that help the bride and groom established their new Jewish Home together.

Wedding ceremonies can be held in the sanctuary or in our outdoor courtyard. Wedding dinners, buffets, and luncheons are catered by Le Ballroom catering that offers an all-inclusive package deal.

For more information please contact the office:


Funeral Arrangements

One of the most sacred of Jewish duties is to comfort and assist the bereaved. We can help with arrangements at all local Jewish cemeteries. Our synagogue and clergy is always there to provide comfort and support.

When a loved one dies, contact Rabbi Jacobson before setting the time of the funeral. The Rabbi will meet with you and your family before the funeral. The Rabbi will assure to afford your loved one a dignified and honorable farewell he will guide your family through the service and mourning Laws and customs.


After a funeral, mourners of a parent, sibling, spouse or child stay at home until the morning of the seventh day. The word "shiva" means "seven" in Hebrew. The seven-day period of mourning gives the person in mourning time to adjust to the loss suffered. There is often prayer services conducted in the shiva home, our Clergy will help your family in arranging and leading these services.


Even though the Shiva has ended, one is considered a mourner for twelve months for a parent, and until the Shloshim (the thirtieth day from burial) for other relatives. During these twenty-three days, the intensity of mourning is reduced. However, some restrictions continue to remain in effect. You should consult with Rabbi Jacobson for complete guidance in all of these matters. The Shloshim is marked with the family gathering at the synagogue special prayers are recited and a Kiddush or a breakfast is prepared in honor of the departed. Please contact Rabbi Jacobson to make the arrangements.


According to Jewish Laws the place of interment must have a permanent marking to respect the resting ground of our loved one any time after the shiva, but not later than a year an unveiling/dedication of the gravestone takes place. This requires some preparations; Rabbi Jacobson will help you with the inscription on the stone and guide you through the process. Please contact the Rabbi to schedule a date and time. Call (514) 482-3366 Ext. 225 or email

Memorial Plaque

The Chevra offers those who have lost a loved one the opportunity to perpetuate the cherished memory of their departed by establishing a Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque. The plaques are situated in the Chapel in our Synagogue. On the day of the Yahrzeit anniversary of the passing. The plaque is illuminated and special prayers are recited.

Honor the loving memory of a departed family member or close friend by having his or her name inscribed on a solid brass Memorial Plaque for placement on our Memorial Wall in the synagogue

Please call Regina Kneller at the synagogue office to make arrangements. (514)-482-3366 ext 230 or email


It is a mitzvah to observe the yahrzeit (the anniversary of the day of death) with the recitation of Kaddish at synagogue services. It is customary to light a yahrzeit candle on the eve of the yahrzeit date. On the Shabbat before the yahrzeit the deceased’s name will be read before Kaddish. The Gabbayim will contact the family members before the Yahrzeit and invite them to come to Shul and receive an alyiah to honor the memory and bring merit to the departed.


Yizkor means "remembrance" and is marked with a special service held in the synagogue on significant holidays:

  • Yom Kippur
  • The eighth day of Sukkot (Shmini Atzeret)The eighth day of Sukkot (Shmini Atzeret)
  • The last day of PassoverThe last day of Passover
  • The last day of ShavuotThe last day of Shavuot

We stop on these major holidays to remember, because the holidays are expressions of the Jewish nation celebrating together. We realize that we are only here as Jews because of those who came before us, who made the decision to be Jews sometimes against all odds. The connection to generations past and loved ones gone is made at Yizkor.